Ziyu Wang

I'm a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Statistics at Oxford, where I work with Chris Holmes. Before this, I received my PhD in Computer Science from Tsinghua University, where I was advised by Jun Zhu and Bo Zhang.

I work on machine learning. A focus of my work is on methods that allow learning systems to reason with uncertainty and adapt to new environments efficiently. This involves the design of (probabilistic) methods tailored to specific applications, such as those related to domain adaptation or causal inference. It also includes research that aims to better understand general-purpose generative models, so that despite their imperfections they can be used in a safe and robust way.

I'm also broadly interested in Bayesian statistics, as well as topics such as representation learning, kernel methods, and the computational challenges in generative modelling and inference.

You can reach me at wzy196 at gmail.com. Here is my CV.

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